The sea and
sailing have been crucibles for leadership and teamwork over millennia. Al
Watts and inTEgro proudly continue that tradition with SeaChange Ventures –
unique opportunities for personal and professional development and for
building leadership and team capacities.
experiences and new settings, especially coupled with professional coaching,
are powerful catalysts for personal, professional and team growth, and
sailing is a particularly powerful medium. Contact Al Watts of inTEgro to
learn about opportunities in and around the Great Lakes, California coast or
Florida for your next professional, leadership or team development
adventure. Location, vessels and the design for your experience will be
tailored according to your needs and interests. All experiences present
opportunities for rich life, leadership and teamwork lessons that only
sailing adventures can provide. |
SeaChange adventures are voyages of discovery, featuring a combination of
hands-on sailing, personal time and facilitated experiences that leverage
powerful metaphors around the sea and sailing. Experienced sailors will
have an opportunity to hone their skills, and newcomers will receive an
excellent introduction to the arts of sailing and seamanship. All SeaChange
vessels are captained by USCG-licensed captains and equipped for crew
"While journeys of discovery are as numerous as
the stars, voyagers who most deserve our attention are those who have sought
to learn about themselves as well as the world around them."
(Donnie Mullen, Wooden Boat magazine)
"Greatness is not where we stand, but in what
direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes
against it – but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor."
Oliver Wendel Holmes
Contact Al Watts today to learn how a SeaChange Venture can take you or your
team to the next level:
awatts@integro-inc.com or call (612) 827-2363.